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Basic Disclosure Stance

KIMURA UNITY Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "The Company") shall endeavor to disclose the management strategy and financial standings etc. in accordance with the "Corporate Ethics and Behavior Guidelines" through constructive dialog with stockholders and investors in consideration of timeliness, fairness, accuracy, continuity. In so doing, the Company will strive for higher transparency while ensuring reliability and earning adequate evaluation.

Criteria for Disclosure

The Company complies with applicable laws and regulations such as Financial Instruments and Exchange Act (hereinafter referred to as "the Laws and Regulations) and "Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities" (hereinafter referred to as "the Timely Disclosure Rules"), and the Company will make appropriate disclosure in accordance with the said rules and regulations. The company also strives to disclose information that is deemed to be useful for understanding of the company, even if it is not subject to the applicable laws and regulations and the timely disclosure rules.

Method of Disclosure

The Company discloses the information applicable to the timely disclosure rules, and the information that deems to virtually influence on stockholders' and investors' decisions, in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules stipulated by Tokyo Security Exchange, via the disclosure systems of TDnet provided by the said Security Exchange. For the prompt and wide dissemination of information, the company will post the information on its corporate IR website.

Quiet Period

To prevent the leakage of business results and ensure fairness, the Company has specified the period from the day following the end of each quarter to the business results announcement date for the said quarter as a quiet period. During this period, the Company basically refrains from responding to any inquiries on its business results and making any comments thereof.

Response to Third Party Communications

Communications shall be limited to responding to inquiries concerning the information already disclosed to institutional investors and analysts or the facts publicly available in the business environment.
The Company will not mention nor endorse comments, evaluations and earnings forecasts etc. concerning the Company by any third party sources.


In reference to the description concerning the earning prediction or future forecast, etc. which was made on the basis of the information obtained at the time of public announcement, please note that the forecast may naturally include potential risk and uncertainty. There is a possibility that future results may be different from what is forecast due to various factors. Please refer to "Business Risk" for details.
The disclosure is intended to meet the Company's responsibility to actively and effectively disclose information and explain the current state of the Company. In no way is the importation in the website intended to solicit an investment in the Company on the part of users. We request that investment decision be made at your discretion.


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